Embryo CD 3.2


Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

  • Abbreviations and terms: which ones uses the program? See the documents "Abbreviations and Synonyms", "Atlas - term from synonym", "Atlas - synonym to term" and "Terms English - Deutsch - Français".
  • Animations don't work: Perhaps the Windows Media Player or the decoder for AVI is missing. Please install the Media Player and/or the decoder. Please link .AVI with the Media Player. You will find in the directory DATA the AVI videos. Start a video. The Windows Media Player will be initialized and configured at the first time. If the internal Media Player does not work, please set under options Use external media player for animations. If the Windows Media Player does not work, you may also install the program AVS Media Player or VLC Media Player. Please link .AVI with the corresponding Media Player (normally done at installation).
  • Animations in my applications? This is not permitted. All animations are subject to the copyright of Professor Günter Rager. For any uses you must get written permission.
  • Atlas stage 11 does not work: Please download the last version and install it.
  • List to atlas terms available? Yes. See the document "Atlas - term to stage page".
  • Images in my applications? This is not permitted. All images are subject to the copyright of Professor Günter Rager. For any uses you must get written permission.
  • Font size of the screen: Please set "Small Fonts" on the screen, normal size (96 dpi). Otherwise the view of the program is too large, the buttons are not correct regarding to the image and in the atlas the fields don't match with the image!
  • Bookmark files from the version 1 or 2? Without problem. The program translates automatically of the version 1 or 2 into the version 3. Caution: A bookmark file in the version 3 cannot be read anymore by the program of the version 1 or 2!
  • Book version of the program? Doesn't exist.
  • Print command missing: That is correct. For copyright reasons no printing command is available.
  • German version of the program: Is available! It must be installed separately.
  • Frequently asked questions in French and German: yes!
  • French version of the program: Is available! It must be installed separately.
  • Linux: There is no version for Linux. Alternative: use virtualization software: VirtualBox, WineHQ.
  • Mac OS: There is no version for the Mac of Apple. Alternative: use virtualization software: VirtualBox, Virtual PC, VMware, WineHQ.
  • Print screen key doesn't work: That is correct. This function was switched off for copyright reasons.
  • Black border around a page? Perhaps you clicked coincidentally on "maximizing": Click on "restoring" (intermediary button, above right).
  • Page called directly, not as Hyperlink: Press on the right mouse button, instead of the left one, if you point with the pointer of the mouse to a link.
  • Pages only partly visible? Did you set the screen resolution at least to "1024 x 768" and to "True Color"?
  • Taskbar covers a part of the page? Move the pointer of the mouse on the taskbar. Press on the right mouse button and select "properties". Activate "automatic to background" and click on "OK". The taskbar will now disappear and you see the page completely. If you come with the pointer of the mouse to the proximity of the taskbar, it appears again.
  • Index available? No, this is not necessary. You can scan all with "Index and search".
  • Text in my applications? This is not permitted. All texts are subject to the copyright of Professor Günter Rager. For any uses you must get written permission.
  • Translation of the terms to German and French? Yes. See the doument "Terms English - Deutsch - Français".
  • Windows XP (SP2), Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10: program works.
  • Characters appear on the screen in disorder: Please make sure that "Small Fonts" are set in the graphic driver.

No solution found? Then you may send us via contact your question. Please describe as exactly as possible your current configuration and your problem with the program. Thanks.